How to Extinguish Fire If Conflagaration Happen?

Hi guys, how are you today?
Happy weekend and  have fun :)
God bless you

Today in my blog i will  discuss about..
How to Extinguish Fire If Conflagaration Happen?
Check this out!

Today i follow GARBARATA class with my junior at College,,
There are so many thing complicated about airport that i visit.
You know Garbarata? They are staff  or people operate safety of aiport . And them will become one of the Garbarata operator.

Even though i only saw them study, But i know a little about how they work. One of them is how to extinguish fire or make the fire off. It appear, Fire is classification base on level material cause conflagaration happen. There is 4 object caused conflagaration. Below is the classification:

1. Solid object
     ex : table, chair, building etc
     make it off with : foam,water,soil, dry powder
2. Liquid Object
     ex : kerosene, water, solar etc  
     Make the fire off with : dry powder, foam, water        spray
3. Electrical Instalation
     ex : bread toaster and all of houses equipment use  electrical.
     Make the fire off with : Carbondioxyida, dry chemical. For the level of the fire you forbidden to extinguish with water it very dangerously!
4. Caused by Metal
     ex : magnesium, aluminium, natrium and kalium
     Make the fire off with : special dry powder, smooth and dry sand

It very important to know this I think, because before we want to make the fire off we must know what the object caused conflagaration. If not, that can dangerous because object will explode while we wrong recognize how to extinguish the fire. right?

I hope this information usefull for you
Thank's to read my blog :)

Saturday, October 21 th 2017
Valuable Experience



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